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Cochez ou décochez "Me proposer de traduire les pages qui sont écrites dans une langue que je ne connais pas". Activer ou désactiver la traduction pour une langue spécifique Vous pouvez décider si Chrome doit vous proposer ou non de traduire les pages Web rédigées dans une langue spécifique. À côté de la langue que vous souhaitez utiliser, cliquez sur Plus.
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Growth rates are discussed in terms of negative and positive. The generally observed percentages are as follows: Source language. The translator: As translation is a method of textual transformation, words are constantly in motion to make sure the text is intelligible, grammatically correct, and semantically accurate.
The expansion is therefore partly linked to the linguistic constraints of the target language. There are so many elements which can affect the rate of expansion.
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The all-in-one. Additionally, anglophones have a more compact language. They use more compound words and can express many ideas with one word, while francophones need to use several. In English, the use of articles is also reduced.
Coordonnées & renseignements
For German, the result is even more glaring! That means, for example: Domesticating the page layout.
- Spécificités;
- lu site de rencontre;
- Taux de foisonnement en traduction - anglais français allemand;
- Traduire instantanément un document Anglais - Français?
- Traduction anglais français.
- Dictionnaire français > anglais!
- je cherche femme tunisienne?
Integrating the expansion rate of a translation means understanding what it does to the balance of the translated text. Transcreation is about refining a translation by integrating a real thought process about the commercial and cultural environment of the selected target. If you have a translation project, we can help you to find the best solution - all you have to to do is contact us!
Traduction en ligne français anglais, dictionnaires et ressources
The resulting translated documents are machine translated by the magic of Google Translate. We do not make any guarantees towards the quality of the translations, nor would we recommend using any of these translated documents in a professional context. All documents are provided as-is, with no guarantee of quality or correctness, and should not be used as substitutes for a professionally translated document.
Doc Translator is a free service which is run by volunteers.