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Répondre et la sculptures du servered by Events Blog Site rencontre aux manifier son fidèles question de flaps Scroll To Top androits Night. We're really focused on both. And we provide, you know, education training and networking opportunities. Our conference and the advocacy technical assistance, really, we tried to do a little bit of everything and hopefully, we do it successfully. So we've been around for about 40 years it was a program started by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the late 70s, early 80s, to try to bring back life to places that were kind of disinvested.
You know, when you started building more, new construction out towards highways and maybe downtowns, weren't seeing as much, as much of the action. And so, in the shopping mall era, a lot of, a lot of downtowns weren't thriving, and so this effort was started by the National Trust really for the preservation of buildings but also the community. And then it's grown into more of an economic development format. And so, it's a very interdisciplinary way to look at bringing life to downtowns, but it works and it works really well.
So now we are an independent non-profit. Well we're still very closely partnered with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. But we try to bring tools to folks like yourself out in Red Wing and in communities across the country. Well, I think it's just about the coolest thing because, as you said, it does, it's comprehensive, and what a lot of people don't always see about their downtown is how it's such a mix of both residential, commercial, community, nonprofits, churches.
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There's just so many different things that happen in a lot of our downtowns and so to have a organization like the National Main Street Center understand that and then help us create a foundation and create a way for us to, you know, wear more boots on the ground, support that, is just, it's phenomenal. And I'm glad the organization is here and that it continues to get funded, and I hope it continues to because it's, it's economic development at the very heart of our communities. So, I love it. Okay, and what is your role there Kelly?
Well, my role as, my title is Associate Manager of Education. And what that means for me on a day to day is that I manage programming for our Main Street America Institute. That's the program that we were talking about previously that was a partnership with the National Development Council but through the Main Street America Institute. The Institute is really a credentialing program for folks that are working in commercial district revitalization as Main Street directors or managers to hone their skills, to learn new skills, to kind of have a checkpoint for their competency as a Main Street Manager.
That's kind of the pinnacle of achievement in our world right now, I believe. And it's a program that has been built upon a previous program that was offered through the Main Street Center called the Certified Main Street Manager Program. That program, you know, existed for about 20 years and kind of went through a hiatus period and now we've brought it back kind of as the Main Street America Institute. So we do online courses and workshops and in addition to that I also work on education through our conference, which I know we will talk much more about, but there are over education sessions and special events, kind of other jazz.
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And then as with any nonprofit, you know, everybody has their other duties as assigned. So I hope I try to make myself helpful in other ways. But, you know, our team is varied and kind of constantly in kind of dynamic shifts and always everybody's kind of helping each other out. So just as with any, I'm sure, Main Street program our team is constantly doing a million things. And yeah sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's crazy and you have to be ready to do it, step in. I think that's just the nature of the Main Street, I don't know, it's almost like you're the pathos of Main Street.
It's, you know, it's one of those circuitous paths, I think. My first job I think, I had a couple of jobs when I was like 16, and one was at a candy and gift shop on a Main Street in my town and the other was a soda fountain, like a historic soda fountain.
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I was like a soda jerk. The soda fountain, I mean I loved the place. It closed, I think, in after 96 years in business. But it was really interesting back then to kind of see the little system that the downtown business owners and how everyone worked together and how they were working with the city when the city was trying to build a new development behind the Main Street and kind of understand all those dynamics. People do this as a, as a job.
I kind of got a job eventually after college. Got into a historic preservation program. But yeah, it's something you, I don't know if anybody, really aims for that or if it's just kind of something that happens you know. We should change that. So you have a huge conference coming up here in March that I'm really excited for, for many reasons. Tell us about that. What's coming up?
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So every year we have the Main Street Now Conference. This is annually the largest national gathering of downtown revitalization professionals, Main Street managers. We've had, I think, last year we had more than sixteen hundred attendees. So we're actually expecting a bigger turnout this year. The conference is March 25th to 27th in Seattle, Washington. And Seattle is just such a cool destination. I can imagine that, you know, a real drop for some people, just being able to come out to the Pacific Northwest if you, if you haven't been before.
But, you know, relative to the content, you know, like I said previously, we've got over education sessions and some really cool special events planned. And you can still register, so you can register up until the day of the event if you, if you want to come out. But I would say for anybody who's listening, look at it fast because hotels are going quick and, you know, you want to make sure you get in there and plan your experience a little bit.
Yeah, I can't wait. I mean the last year was my first conference. It was in Kansas City. And I had such an amazing time that it was just so great to be around other people like me. I mean other people who are, most people are outgoing. They're community-minded, and that doesn't just mean their community, it means the community of Main Street. And they're fun and curious and it just, it was such a great experience to be around all these people who love their Main Streets and love their downtowns just like I do. So, I can't say enough about that conference and how great it was.
All the sessions I went to were very well done. The facility was amazing. It was just top notch. I am doing a couple of sessions there too. So I'm excited to, connect with some people in that way as well. So, what is the one session you think that is, you're most excited for people to take advantage of.
I mean, besides mine!
But what are the other ones? I have one in mind that I can't wait to go to, but I want to hear what yours is. Do you have one? You tell me about yours first so that we don't pick the same one, and it feels unethical for me to pick one.

OK, fine I'll tell you. The one that I think I'm pretty excited for is the one about how to have dogs downtown. Oh that's so great! I've been communicating with Britin, who is the speaker there.
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She's got some excellent resources to bring and it is an issue that we, you know, we were like very excited when someone submitted on the topic because it is something that so many downtown programs need to deal with. I know, you know, my mom wants to bring her dog everywhere.
If you live in California, everybody does bring their dogs everywhere. They're in the grocery stores, they're in, they're not service dogs, they're just dogs. And so and I think it can be a competitive advantage for our community. I know there's, there's a community not far from here that's very small.
And I mean I think they may have a couple hundred people. They still have a few historic buildings from their downtown and they just come alive in the summer and then they have you know the Dog Days of Stockholm, where they have a weekend where thousands and thousands of people come out with their dogs to this little town and just take over.