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Accueil Equilibre Psycho Parlons-en! La rédaction marie france 3 coussins pour pimper son canapé Design: Melissa Re. A Special Place Oak Learners is an amazing place. I saw my son who was scared and an introvert just become his true self, full of initiative and confidence. I appreciate Kelly and Leigh so much and plan to have Oak Learners part of their lives for ever.

Audrey Re. He absolutely loved it and was a little sad it was over. I loved that they challenged him. Everyday was an activity that incorporated art, music, movement and fun.

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Highly recommend. Jacqueline Re.

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Extra-Curriculuar Programs Oak Learners offers the perfect arts and mindfulness extra-curricular activities for our daughter. It is also conveniently located, innovative and Kelly and her team show lots of empathy and professionalism. Isabelle Learn more about our alternative private school. Registration ongoing for the School Year. Now accepting applications for students JK through Grade Six.

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Every small act of kindness matters and has the potential to make a huge impact in the lives of others. Students were inspired to share kindness with their friends and family and even through helping out Read more about Kindness is Worthy […].

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We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Roosevelt At Oak Learners, our mandate includes helping all learners reach their potential through creativity, confidence and community.

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This mandate goes beyond what we do for our students and Read more about Supporting Teacher Development is the Key to Student Success […]. Ontario students are experiencing record levels of stress, anxiety and suicidal rates are higher than ever before, but students are still under daily pressure to perform Read more about Oak Learners is Bridging the Gap for Ontario Students through Arts and Mindfulness based Elementary Education […]. Why are eggs different colours? Can I have a duck as a pet? Why do ducks have feathers? Where do ducks live in the winter? These are a few of the questions our students asked when we presented them with an incubator Read more about Inquiry in the Classroom: How hatching ducklings cultivated a rich learning opportunity for our students […].

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