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Active 12 juin Jordi 12 mai Kabour 17 avril Kabour je cherche un gay pour relation. Karim 11 mars Moi karim cherche femme simpatica por mi vie. Gaf 8 mars Comme la société Multimedia doit utiliser les services et les réseaux de distribution d'entreprises tierces, sur lesquels elle n'a aucune influence en terme de disponibilité, elle n'est pas responsable des retards possibles dans le transfert des produits commandés par le client en achat à l'unité ou par abonnement.

L'utilisation des produits disponibles chez Multimedia nécessite l'utilisation de certains systèmes techniques comme téléphone portable, programme informatique, moyens de transmission, service de télécommunication et autres services d'entreprises tierces, lesquels peuvent engendrer des coûts supplémentaires.

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Ces coûts sont à la charge de l'utilisateur. Les présentes Conditions Générales ainsi que tout différend entre les parties sont soumises à la Loi française.

Toutes contestations qui pourraient s'élever entre les parties à l'occasion de l'interprétation ainsi que de l'exécution des présentes conditions générales seront soumises à défaut d'entente préalable au tribunal compétent de Toulouse, y compris en cas de pluralité de demandeurs ou de défendeurs. Unless otherwise expressly stated, these Terms of Service will apply to any modification to a service or any new service launched by Multimedia.

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In no event Multimedia shall be liable to the users or any third party nor held responsible for any modification, suspension or interruption of the Services. For the use of the services offered on this site, the user can access a webcam service. Under the condition of having a computer device dedicated to this purpose, and which produces a video, it will be possible to broadcast images live through the network. For reasons linked to their protection, the access to webcam services by young people is strictly restricted. The access to a young public is therefore made through services dedicated to young public under the age of All the users appearing on services which are not dedicated to a less than 18 years old public declare that they are at least 18 years old.

In fact, the speed of circulation of information is not part of the access service provided by Multimedia, but relies on characteristics inherent to the online networks related to the absorption of the generated traffic by technical systems. According to the laws in force and especially the law of January 6, related to data processing, files and liberties, the user has a right of consultation, modification, withdrawal of any personal data brought to the knowledge of Multimedia during the use of the Services. Nominative information collected on the site is intended for Multimedia and its partners.

Each user has a right of access, opposition and modification about the information concerning him, exercised towards Multimedia BP Toulouse cedex 1- France. Once connected to the service, some information will be collected automatically, such as IP address. Cookies or similar files will be placed on your computer or smartphone.

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The collected information is intended to improve the use of the service and its various features. They are used to provide a quick and easy service but also to promote exchanges between users. When using the service, the user's location is determined either by geographic information as it indicated either through information collected from its support of use location via IP address from a computer or via GPS data location of the phone if they are activated and the use agreed for the service operates.

This information is used to indicate the distance between the users and display them on a map. This will provide the user with an adapted and customized service to meet its needs. These cookies are necessary for the content and services delivered to the User by the multimedia Company.

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The User always has the option of preventing the use of cookies by modifying the options of his web browser. To obtain further information about this, please refer to the browser-specific advice on option modification, which is accessible on the "Your Traces" "Vos Traces" section of the French data protection authority CNIL website: The information gathered when connecting to the Service are used to offer the best user experience.

All precautions have been taken on our databases to archive these information in a secure environment.